This Summer Promotion

Project "Start" - 1 month for free

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More about Project "Start"
Internet Reputation Management
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Our specialization
  • SERM
  • SMM
  • Media buying
Tasks we are carrying out
  • Reputation management on forums;
  • Reputation management on review sites;
  • Creation and publish as a official representative;
  • Writing and publishing articles for media;
  • Searching media for advertising;
  • Creation groups in social media.
Who are our customers

Brand building or reputation correction

New companies that need to create a primary impression. To do this, we can additionally create affiliate sites, register a company profile on sites with ratings, forums

Support with SERM

Mainly, companies that have long been working, and they need support in advertising

What do you get after our work
  • Improved ROI for affiliates;
  • Positive online reputation;
  • More loyal potential audience;
  • Solution with negative situation;
  • Reduce the impact of negativity.
How we work

Marketing research

We make a marketing research of the current situation in the internet, as well as give recommendations, which you can implement yourself, or with our help.

Mediaplan and first tasks

We will analyze official site of your company. And based on this information - we create a task for our copywriters.

First recommendations

During the first week, the first recommendations appear.

Impact on your performance

Recommendations affect your sales (both direct and indirect).

We work in different languages
  • English;
  • Spanish;
  • Indonesian;
  • Portuguese;
  • We can add other languages.

Any questions? We'll answer you during a few hours

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